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Kenneth Karl Dean

May 19, 1930 - April 5, 2020

U.S. Veteran
Obituary Viewed 2580 times

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Kenneth Karl Dean passed away on Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020, in Seneca, South Carolina, a few weeks before his 90th birthday.

Born May 19, 1930 in Hawthorn, Pennsylvania, he was a son of Vilas and Edna Dean.
Twice widowed, he was married to Lois Crawford Dean until her death in 1982 and Grace Fye Dean until her passing in 2007. His grandson Christopher Dean preceded him in death in 2018.

Surviving are a son, Michael K. Dean and his wife Jamie of South Carolina, and a granddaughter, Kirsten Dean of Virginia.

A veteran of the Korean War, Mr. Dean lived and worked for most of his life in Hawthorn and Mayport. A longtime employee of Heffner Brothers, he spent most of his time on his beloved farm. He later lived in the Mahoning Apartments in Distant and had recently moved to South Carolina to be closer to his son. He was a member of the Saint Nicholas Church in Crates and the American Legion. His friends will remember him for the twinkle in his eye and his sense of humor.

Arrangements were at the direction of the Alcorn Funeral Home in Hawthorn. Interment was in Oakland Cemetery, Distant.